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Along with Paul Lawrie as our host, the event will also feature Major winners Ian Woosnam and Angel Cabrera.

There will be a host of past Ryder Cup players in the field too such as Joakim Haggman, Niclas Fasth and Jarmo Sandelin.

David Lynn will be making his Legends Tour debut at the event, while it’s a “home fixture” for Simon Khan who has his professional attachment with Hanbury Manor.

To get your ticket to Hanbury Manor CLICK HERE PAUL LAWRIE MATCH PLAY TICKETS

Bring your dog

Dog owners must be aware of some rules in place for those attending with their pets:

• This is a dog friendly event, but they must be well mannered and kept on the lead at all times on the golf course.

• We will provide a designated off-the-lead run zone, shaded areas and water stations to keep them happy, but unfortunately they won’t be allowed in the buildings at Hanbury Manor.

• Your dog’s welfare is your own responsibility so please ensure you seek shade in warm weather and ensure they’re comfortable in their surroundings.

• For their own safety, if the weather forecast is very hot we may need to stop dogs from coming to the event. We will let you know via email in advance if this is the case.

• Oh and don’t let them chase after golf balls on the course!

We will have some extra-special pet friendly things going on, thanks to Petsure who can help with all your pet insurance questions.

There’s plenty of activities including:

• Agility course

• Enrichment activities

• Dog behaviourist

• FREE puppycino’s

• Chance to win a dog photographic session worth £500!

To get your ticket so you can accompany your dog to Hanbury Manor CLICK HERE PAUL LAWRIE MATCH PLAY TICKETS

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